FLAGS GLOBE - © Alhovik | Dreamstime.comOur curated list of Messianic groups from all over the world.


Our goal is to help you find the fellowship you need.  We don't just add groups to a list and leave them there forever whether they are still valid or not.  We actively work to keep our directory as accurate and up to date as possible.

You can read through this list, search, or view groups organized by location, the type of group, or their affiliation with larger (inter-)national organizations.

We believe the purpose of our Congregation is to glorify The Creator, and teach our members about our Awesome Creator. They can glorify Him by living righteous lives. We desire people to experience the joy of knowing The Creator from the “Hebraic” perspective. We know that “acting” more Jewish will not make us any more Holy, but having the same “attitude” as the Greatest of all Jews will.

Bet Echad is een plaats van ontmoeting waar Joodse en niet-Joodse gelovigen Jesjoea als Messias belijden.

Jew and gentile worshipping together.

Fue fundada el 20 de enero de 1994 por un pequeño grupo de judíos creyentes en Yeshúa como el Mesías de Israel. Desde su inicio, hemos sido guiados por el Rúaj Hakodesh para hacer de Kehilá Bet El Shadai una Comunidad Judía Mesiánica que construye el Reino de Elohim localmente, uniendo los esfuerzos de todos sus miembros, sin distingos de raza, nacionalidad o posición social para edificarnos mutuamente y reflejar el carácter de nuestro Mesías, observando la Torá de acuerdo a Su correcta interpretación y fijando como objetivo principal que Israel sea 'luz para el mundo' y 'sal de la tierra'.

We are a mishpocha (family) made up of Jewish and non-Jewish people that love the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We believe what G-d said through the Jewish prophets to the people of Israel and the other nations that He would bring about salvation by atoning for their sins(rebellion against Him). We have participated in G-d's plan by accepting Yeshua's (the Messiah) atonement on our behalf.

We are a Messianic Community delving into the Scriptures using the original context that was given by our Messiah Yeshua.

Our Congregation is a mix of Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah of Israel. We recognize and value the Jewish origin of our faith and desire to study, worship, and present Him to the world in the Hebrew context in which He came.

Exciting worship, teaching, & special events. Saturday Sabbath afternoon services, New Moon, Lunar Sabbath and Biblical Feast Days. Torah lessons, music, Interactive Bible teaching, Oneg meals and more... No charge, no collection, everyone is warmly encouraged to attend any of our events! You will enjoy meeting our friendly assembly.

We are a Messianic Congregation where Jew and Gentile worship together in Messiah Yeshua. Located in Tucker, Georgia just off of Lavista Road.