Adon Olam Messianic Congregation

There must be a place where Jewish believers can go to express their faith and learn more about their Messiah. A place where the teaching is from the Jewish perspective. Where new believers can experience the joy Yeshua brings into the lives of all who embrace Him. Can Gentiles participate in a Messianic fellowship? Yes, in fact it is Biblical! In Romans 11, The Olive tree is made up of both natural branches (Jews) and grafted in wild branches (Gentiles). Therefore, we believe the Kehila (assembly) consists of Jews and Gentiles worshiping together. 'He has made us both one and has broken down the m'chitzah (middle wall) which divided us' (Ephesians 2:11-14) With the return of the Jews to the land of Israel, there is a revival of Messianic Judaism.


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