Please read our Faith Statement and feel free to contact Marianne if you are interested in gathering with like-minded believers.

Blessings in Yeshua's name.

Statement of Faith


We believe in the One true infinite God, creator of all things who had no beginning and is without end. He is infinitely One, though He has revealed Himself in a plurality (a mystery) but is nevertheless to be received as a matter of faith. We believe the Scriptures reveal God as Father, as Messiah, and as the eternal Spirit of God, and in the mystery of the Godhead, these three are distinct yet equal in eternal, divine attributes and are one God. We believe God is sovereign in all of His works, and there is no other sovereign equal to Him.

The Bible

We believe that the 66-book canon is the authoritative, divinely inspired, infallible word of God.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.


We believe Messiah Yeshua/Jesus paid the penalty of sin for all whom God has chosen unto salvation. Yeshua/Jesus' death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession are the only basis for sinners to gain a righteous standing before God which is granted to the elect through God’s sovereign grace, applied by the work of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) through the application of the Gospel contained in the Scriptures.

The Torah

We believe Yeshua/Jesus taught the Torah (which means teaching/instructions) remains alive, meaning not the least of it will be abolished until heaven and earth pass away. We believe the Torah reveals God’s pattern of righteous living for all of His people in all times and in all circumstances.

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