FLAGS GLOBE - © Alhovik | Dreamstime.comOur curated list of Messianic groups from all over the world.


Our goal is to help you find the fellowship you need.  We don't just add groups to a list and leave them there forever whether they are still valid or not.  We actively work to keep our directory as accurate and up to date as possible.

You can read through this list, search, or view groups organized by location, the type of group, or their affiliation with larger (inter-)national organizations.

Beth Yeshua International's home mission congregation, Beth Yeshua Macon, ties you to your roots. Together we share the common identity as the People of God. If you are Jewish, our joyous worship will stir your soul. If you are Christian, our synagogue gives you a chance to explore your Jewish roots.

You will see that we are Jew and Gentile, black and white, Asian and Hispanic, young and old – a cross-section of what The Book of Revelation calls every nation, tribe, people, and language (Revelation 7:9). You will see real unity, and in that unity you will be blessed, for there is everlasting life in it (Psalm 133).

Rabbi Greg Hershberg


Beth Yeshua is a community of Jewish and Gentile followers of Yeshua (Jesus), the Jewish Messiah, who share a common faith, a common vision, and are bound together by a common love for the Jewish people and each other.

We are a Torah-Pursuant Messianic Congregation. Since God is restoring the Torah to the Body of Messiah, many believers are responding by desiring to live holy and sanctified lives in a Hebraic context. The primary goal of Beth Yeshua is to see all of God's redeemed (Jewish and non-Jewish alike) 'living holy and godly lives' (2 Peter 3:11) according to the whole of Scripture, including the Torah, since all Scripture, including the Torah, is 'God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness...' (2 Timothy 3:16). Proclaiming the Good News of Yeshua, making disciples, or any other important work for the kingdom are natural byproducts of a Biblical, Spirit-led lifestyle in the Messiah.

Beth Yeshua werd opgericht door Lion en Elze Erwteman tijdens het Loofhuttenfeest van 1991, op 28 september.

De gemeente is nu 24 jaar oud. Lion Erwteman is de zoon van twee Joodse ouders en werd geboren in Eindhoven in 1949. Hij en zijn vrouw zijn afgestudeerd in de biologie. Na studies in Talmoed en Tora in Amerika hebben Lion en Elze Erwteman de gemeente opgericht in Amsterdam. Zij leiden de gemeente met diverse teams.

De gemeente heeft openbare wekelijkse diensten, vieringen van alle Joodse feestdagen, Joods onderwijs, leuke activiteiten, interessante lezingen, cursussen, jeugdwerk, onderwijs, sociaal-pastorale en diakonale zorg.


We are a congregation of Jewish and non-Jewish believers who accept Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah promised to the Jewish people and the Nations through the prophets of the Tanakh (Older Testament).

At Beth Yeshua, we as Messianic Jews believe Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) is the Messiah.

Messianic Judaism is a movement of people from all walks of life who believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah and the Savior for Israel and the world. Messianic Jews have not stopped being Jewish. On the contrary we have continued to remain strongly Jewish in our identity and lifestyle, and in our belief that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah and the fulfillment of true Biblical Judaism.

Rabbi Jim Pickens


A Messianic congregation

As a Messianic Jewish synagogue, we celebrate Messiah and the Judaism He represented, where the principles of Torah are observed from the heart and not merely from the head. Beth Zion provides a synagogue service where a jewish person can grow and learn about the Messiah in an enviroment that is culturally familiar. Many of us who have read the New Covenant have fallen in love with Yeshua: His life, His words, His example. Yeshua lived a Jewish life, observed Shabbat and the Jewish holidays - so why shouldn't we? When we believe in Yeshua we don't have to trade in our lox & bagels for ham & cheese! Since we believe this is a Jewish faith for the whole world, we welcome everyone who seeks to better understand Messiah, and connect with the Jewish roots of their faith. Yeshua said, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.' At Beth Zion, we are a synagogue with no second class citizens!

Rabbi Jan Rosenberg