Sar Shalom Messianic Congregation

Our Congregation consists of Jewish and Gentile Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) as The promised Messiah to Israel. Sar Shalom Messianic Congregation (Sar Shalom means "Prince of Peace") began in 2005 as a sister Congregation to Beth HaKavod Messianic Congregation in Wooster, Ohio.We meet every Shabbat (Saturday) morning at 10:30 and Tuesday evenings at 7:00 P.M.. Services consist of Davidic Praise and worship, prayer time and a study in the Word. We observe the Biblical Holidays and celebrate with Oneg (food and fellowship) as announced. We at Sar Shalom study Scriptures with a Hebraic mindset with a focus on restoring the "Jewishness" of the gospels.

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